Gamer wallpapers
romeo20007's Articles
February 16, 2006 by romeo20007
Retrogaming is better than next generation gaming. I've been playing games since 1981 and I had more fun then than I do now. My system of chooise was ColecoVision (new coleco in the works) it did not need flashing graphics and special effects to be fun. Todays games use technology as a starting point for game design; I'm not against graphics but give me a great story line and to hell with bump mapping. Please post your comments.. Game not over! ps. If any of you guys like to help a new emul...
February 8, 2006 by romeo20007
Classic gaming is growing in popularity, I found a new gaming website that through software downloads you can play long lost game dating back to 1981. The software is called emulator which is a program for a computer, or other computing device, that can emulate a video game console or handheld, so a computer can be used to play games that were created for that console or to develop games for that console. Such tools are often used to translate games into other languages, to modify (or hack) ex...